Home » Blog » Route 66 Guide » Myths about Route 66: #6 Route 66 is no longer what it used be, and attempts to revive it are vain

Myths about Route 66: #6 Route 66 is no longer what it used be, and attempts to revive it are vain

When I talked about Route 66 to people from different European countries, I was shocked by the myths and inaccurate information I learned during the conversations. Route 66 needs to be discussed much more and so I have decided to explain and even debunk some of these myths. Here is myth #6.


You can’t revive the past, but much of it can be preserved and commemorated. And this is what’s happening on Route 66.

It is incredible how many historic sites have been preserved, many times in their original state. An example is the Boots Court Motel, where you can stay in rooms that have remained in their original condition from the 1940’s after renovation. Nevertheless, they are beautifully and luxuriously furnished and perfectly clean, and a night in this hotel is a real experience. Behind all the activities to support and save Route 66 are passionate people who do wonderful work. Much of what once represented Route 66 is being revived and travelers are ecstatic.

And you will be, too. Trust me.


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