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Route 66 Navigation launches the Keep Calm and Travel Route 66 (Later) campaign

Following a 30-day ban on flights from Europe to the US, Touch Media s.r.o. publishes Route 66 Navigation app data to help the Route 66 community accurately estimate the impact of this situation at the start of the 2020/2021 season.

UPDATED: Tourists from countries where flights will be banned for a minimum of 30 days make up 44,42% of all visitors on Route 66.

Based on the statistics published by the National Travel & Tourism Office for the same period in 2019, US tourism will lose approximately 1.6 million tourists from Eastern and Western Europe over the next 30 days. In the same period, Los Angeles and Chicago will lose approximately 250,408 visitors from Europe.

Due to the serious situation in Italy with the corona virus, it is most likely that the total of 66 Route traffic will fall by 8.64% over the coming season. The situation in the UK, Germany and Spain is also important for the upcoming season, as the corona virus could drop travelling by another 20.07%.

Based on these forecasts, Route 66 Navigation is launching a new campaign on social media called Keep Calm and Travel Route 66 (Later). Its goal is to motivate passengers not to cancel tours they have already booked, but instead to move them to a later date when the situation around the corona virus is clearer and has calmed.

“With Route 66 Navigation as well as Route 66 Passport and Route 66 Free Ultimate Guide Book, we have very accurate data on how and from which countries tourists travel on Route 66. They allow us to analyze market developments based on real data in unexpected situations, such as the current corona virus pandemic. As we are seeing a significant impact on the upcoming 2020 season, we have decided to publish this data, and we hope to help visitor centers, gift shops and museums better understand the situation in Europe and its impact on their attendance, ” said Marián Pavel from Touch Media s.r.o.

“At the same time, we decided to provide service and advise tourists who have canceled their flights or who are hesitant to travel to the USA in order to minimize the number of canceled trips. Of course, with the primary interest of protecting their health and life. I appeal on entire Route 66 community to join us with this iniative,”Pavel added.

The fact that there is no need to cancel long-term journeys on Route 66 is also helped by changes in the conditions of the airlines. These allow you to move flights free of charge to another date.

Traveling along Route 66 is one of the safest in relation to the corona virus – tourists spend most of their time in the countryside; depending on the situation, they can decide whether or not to visit places with high density of people. Also, thanks to a wide network of delivery services, they do not have to visit restaurants and can have their food delivered directly to the hotel.

With the Route 66 Navigation app, travelers can handle this challenging situation. Thanks to the annual license they have enough time not only to plan their trip in advance, but they can also handle any shifts in their trip dates.

Route 66 Navigation will report regularly on the situation on its FB website www.fb.me/route66navigation  

Statistical Information Source: Route 66 Navigation app, www.route66navigation.com, Free Route 66 Ultimate Guide Book, U.S. Department of Commerce, I&A, National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) I-94 Program.






About Touch Media

Route 66 Navigation is a product of Touch Media s.r.o.

Touch Media is a corporation with a longlife tradition in the online area as well as digital marketing, new media and development of unique mobile applications. The company is based in Bratislava, Slovakia (European Union).Touch Media is owned by Jan Svrcek and Marian Pavel.

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